Up And Running

June 24, 2024

Ok, I finally have a blog engine up and running again and while I know this still needs a ton of stying, I am kind of excited to have things going. This will probably start off as just a place for me to keep my notes so that I don't have to keep copying them from one notes.md file in a github project to another :)

The technology I have gone for on this new blog engine is the following:

  • .NET 8
  • Blazor web app (some will be the new default server side rendering but some will also be using WebAssembly)
  • Using TailwindCSS for the styling (or at least when I actually get some styling going, right now I can't say this is a great advertisement for Tailwind, but ideally it will be eventually)
  • Sql server for both local development and deployed db
  • I am also using Markdown as my main editing style, so am definitely gonna have to play around with some things with Tailwind so that I can make sure elements still look good even when I can't control the styling explicitly through css with markdown

If all goes right, I will be making more frequent updates to this blog (both through code and through posts). For now I will just wrap this up and make sure it posts correctly, but so far so good I think.

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